European Commission
Oltre project

Telling positive stories of integration to counter radicalisation and violent extremism.



European Commission



Web Design
Graphic Design
Social Media Strategy
Video Production
Spot Web
Social Media Content
Web Series



“Oltre” is the name of the project supported and financed by the European Commission devoted to young Europeans of second generation in situations of exclusion and vulnerability, with the goal of giving them a "voice" and involving them in participatory processes.

In collaboration with some of the most important Italian universities, we have raised the awareness of the public about the project through a series of original social contents and the involvement of second generations artists as campaign’s ambassadors.


Telling stories of positive integration through the faces and the words of those who have lived them first-hand: this was the idea behind the campaign for the Oltre project, which led to the creation of a web series titled “Rajel” starring real second generations Italians, an original song and many contents posted on the most important social platforms.

In order to increase the engagement, we have chosen two famous second generation artists as campaign’s ambassadors: Maruego and Mahmood, the first for recording the song used as Rajel’s soundtrack; the latter for an exclusive interview about his own integration’s story and a teaser trailer of the web series.